Offering the Gamma Sector's highest quality legally obtained, sustainably produced parts and accesories for your space-rod. All for prices so low it is nothing short of CRAZY!!!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Information distribution network and user Console
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Di-Lithium Masticator fuel injection system

Sunday, November 8, 2009
SchitzoBot Emoticon Grin / Grimace Droid
Like this it is a happy bucktoothed grinning grasshopper face. Joy prevails!

But uh-oh! Now it is making a grim goat grimace! Stand clear!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Pressure Wave Percussion Thumper - for war or peace.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Secure on-board vitriol tinted brig / dungeon
You know, if there were two space freighters with crippled engines helplessly hurtling toward a black hole, and you could only save one of them, and one of the space freighters had on board the only surviving members of a fierce army of angry sentient multi-cellular Arcturian influenza macro-viruses intent on colonizing the innards of every civilized life form in the galaxy and using their paralyzed corpses as food for their incubating viral larvae as they hatch ravenous and slavering into the world seeking immediately to shed innocent blood, sow misery and discord, and perpetuate their evil nihilistic mission of pillage, enslavement and destruction of everything that is good and holy in the universe – and on the OTHER space freighter was the Los Angeles Dodgers baseball team, I swear to god I would save the nihilistic macro virus soldiers first. There is no scum in the known universe more hateful and fetid than that tacky bunch of no-class, trailer-trashy, inbred, clueless, amoral, ugly, fashion disaster, prissy, ass-clown, tossers festooned in the nastiest, stupidest shade of blue imaginable that they call the Los Angeles Dodgers. Have fun in the black hole you useless tarts!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Travelling "Preacherbot™" Ordained Ceremony Performing Rocket Robot

Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Neutron Flushing Particle Beam Accelerator Turbine

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
If it's broke, fix it! - Space Gimlet contraption

What? Don't read too much into our advertisement, we are only talking about Space Gimlet mixers. Not everything has some hidden subtext or metaphor in it.
Self Contained Colonial Biosphere Megacity

Monday, September 21, 2009
Bunkers for Clunkers: Recycled Starfleet Maitenance docking bay

Monday, September 7, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Intimidating Prosthetic Hand

Monday, August 10, 2009
Social Networking Site

Sunday, August 9, 2009
Projectile guidance pipe w/ polymerized adhesive stripping

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Dimension Folding Guidepost Grid

Friday, July 31, 2009
Something Awesome
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Humorously Primitive, unnescessarily laborious force field generator

Saturday, July 11, 2009
Mainline motherboard substation switchbox
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Best Cocktail Blender of All Time!!! -- With Expert Endorsements!!!

"Blimey, we've glugged our share of cocktails over the past couple of aeons, but the heavenly nectar from Moppo's Model A cocktail mixer made our hair stand on end in some kind of funny rooster hairdo!!"
--Ron and Rod, Corporate CEO's, Betelguese System.

"My apolgiesh, Mishter Moppo, itsh brilliant! Ash you know I like shaken, not shtirred, and your ingenioush blender cooked me up a doozie! I've been knocked for six!
-Jimmy. Intergalactic Gambler, man of mystery, and Alpha Centaurian Embassy Attache.

-Don, Plumber, Crab Nebula

G.W., Hyperspace Starcruiser Pilot (volunteer corps), Forest Moon of Endor

Dylan - Poet, Sirius 35

Gerfffl.ux.BrUUk - supermodel, Andromeda 9
"If Moppo's drinks ain't killed me yet, nuffink bloody well will! I reckon my daily jug of Moppo mix is why I cannot be killed by conventional weapons. I feel like I'm bleedin' 22 years old, thanks to the Moppo Mixer!"
Keef - Doctor and paragon of healthy living, Earth.
"nnnnnn....ah....grum sup ack nay, and I fffl roy, we for....nen wife sharon..I think...why? rup. nack. Where am I?"
Ozzy, Prince of Darkness, the wastelands of the 8th dimension
Friday, June 26, 2009
High speed rotating magnetic dissonance programmable brake-pad

A vital element of any ship's braking system is a proper magnetic dissonance discoid. When particles of matter and anti-matter spring into existence for a micro-nano-mili second and then obliterate eachother, sometimes you can make one of them remain in existence, creating paradoxical contradictions between quantum and classical physics, which cause tiny rips in the fabric of the universe creating conditions similar to those in a black hole, the gravitational pull of which will stop most moving objects on a dime, no matter how heavy, except for maybe the deputy director of our local department of deep-space vehicles, that uptight nazi lardass with his bureaucratic rules and regulations - but I digress. The programmable ones like this are the best. Some ancient models have mysterious grooves left by ancient civilizations. We found that if you put a small metal needle in these grooves while spinning the discoid at certain RPM's you hear bizarre noises and incantations, no doubt of religious significance to the primitive ancients.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Presto brand portable range finder defibrilator

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Nuclear Power plant core with compressed saturated gaseous storage

Sunday, June 14, 2009
Butler-Bot Supercharged Sentient Liquid dispenser

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Suspended Animation Hive Cells

Not a threat, a promise...
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Gently Used Stop-cock Flapper Valve
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Spacious Flying Saucer Docking bay

Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Hydraulic Pronk-wave Inverter
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Snake-bot Lubricant Delivery System

Snake-bot roams the engine room looking for things that need lubricant spit upon them. We don't know exactly what this snake-bot experienced during its previous incarnation of gentle usage, but it seems to have been somehow traumatized to the point of being somewhat anti-social and surly. That's why we had to attach a little muzzle around snake-bot's head, because it has developed an unfortunate tendency to bite. The muzzle doesn't stop it from trying to spit heavy lubricants at crew members, but this can create a fun sort of "dodge the industrial lubricant" game to improve morale in the engine room. This adds to our proven track record of charitable works helping abused and neglected robots.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Stylized Elephant Motif Overdrive Switch Handle
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Dual valve ytterbium treated high pressure motivator cam-shaft casing - with turbocharger!

Only one previous user, who only ever drove 5 angstroms/hour below the speed limit to go to the store once a century to pick up a dozen proto-dactyl eggs.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Relativity Powered Binoculars

It's all relative - just remember that. Our super powered (gently used) binoculars were engineered using the ancient and rather obvious theory of relativity. Things that are far away, are only far away relative to you, and although it might take you a long time to fly your cruiser over to where those things are, time is kind of relative too if you think about it? and if you were like going at the speed of light or something, you'd arrive the same age you are now, while the people at whatever you were looking at with the super binoculars would like have long white beards and stuff, even though they were babies when you started. Whoa, that is, like...deep, huh? Anyway, you can see a long way with these puppies, or if you prefer, you can look a near ways, and inspect your self introspectively and analyze who you are and where your life is headed. They bolt onto most models of your ceremonial headgear.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Hideously Awkward Bionic Shoulder Joint

Sunday, April 26, 2009
Spare Lives
Item# 9: 100 kabillion bazillion makillion clams. What you think extra souls were going to be cheap?
Unexploded Ordnance

item# 600m600m: Fifty bucks, and signature on the waiver
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Vintage Decider

The term "decider" has become so commonplace that we forget that the dull and thankless task of deciding used to be performed manually by people. Imagine, just like "computer" used to refer to a nerd with a slide rule, also in the dark ages actual people had to slave over decisions. Now a computer and a decider are totally different things, and just think about how many hours of time, how many terrible hassles, how many tears of frustration have been saved by the mechanization of these boring boring jobs. Here is a fairly early decider, one of the first models in fact, but it is very solid and they don't make them like this anymore. Nothing flimsy here, no holographic or molded-gas components, actual metal construction! Sure, it takes a little longer to perform difficult decisions than the modern ones do, but that's why the price is so outrageous!
Item# 386kb: we'll make the decision easy for you - only 79 Alto-cubits!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Mystic Biscuit Mathematical Starchart Template

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Incendiary Backup Minstrel's Quarters / Cocktail Blender

Item# sT1nK60m6-77: 199.99 Quag-marks
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Do-it-yourself Galactic Revenue Service Emasculator

Item# FU - 85% of your annual income, less a few hideously complex credits, rebates, and time consuming deductions that only a PhD can figure out.
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