A vital element of any ship's braking system is a proper magnetic dissonance discoid. When particles of matter and anti-matter spring into existence for a micro-nano-mili second and then obliterate eachother, sometimes you can make one of them remain in existence, creating paradoxical contradictions between quantum and classical physics, which cause tiny rips in the fabric of the universe creating conditions similar to those in a black hole, the gravitational pull of which will stop most moving objects on a dime, no matter how heavy, except for maybe the deputy director of our local department of deep-space vehicles, that uptight nazi lardass with his bureaucratic rules and regulations - but I digress. The programmable ones like this are the best. Some ancient models have mysterious grooves left by ancient civilizations. We found that if you put a small metal needle in these grooves while spinning the discoid at certain RPM's you hear bizarre noises and incantations, no doubt of religious significance to the primitive ancients.
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