Although we are really, really serious merchants and technicians, we also are extremely "hip" and "with it", and we know all about the "cool" and "groovy" "lingo" that the kids these days are talking about. For example, we know that cool people these days are into "social networking", and we totally know what this type of thing is. Thus, check out our new social networking site. Somehow, using our network, you should be able to "socialize" with people while sitting all alone hunched over the fuse-like glow of your main computer console. You can "text" and "blog" with people you used to hate in high school, re-establish contact with former girlfriends/boyfriends/glogfriends/uxiberfriends so that your current romantic partner will probably begin asking awkward questions. Said former enemies and love interests can know what you are cooking for dinner, what book you just read, and whether or not you recently sneezed. And occasionally you can have a lot of fun by exercising very bad judgement and posting pictures, phrases, and opinions that will harm your future career. Whoever collects the most "friends" gets the most points and is therefore the most "far out" and "cool." Believe us when we give our expert opinion that this type of thing is truly "gnarly" and "awesome", and even "sick." Sick in the good way, we mean. We are "the excrement". Try to keep up with our cutting edge street slang.
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