If you are a carbon or silicon based life form (and lets face it, aren't we all??) there are certain -shall we say - necessities of life that can make space travel awkward. I am of course refering to space minstrels. And the inevitable accumulation of waste, biological, chemical, mechanical, psychological, and cultural. Well this specially designed chamber solves several problems all in one ingenious stroke. Not only will this treatment plant safely process all forms of waste to extract as much energy and saleable commodities (a profitable sideline incidentally) from the waste, it will compact the remaining matter into a tiny, dimensionally challenged ingot which minimizes the growing problem of "space junk" when launched into deep space. Processes all 623 of the known elements of the periodic table, as well as some of the more exotic compounds, abstractions and chemical anomolies. And plus, it is a convenient place for the space minstrels to set up camp!
Item# പോപ് പ്രോസിസ്സ്ര്സ്൩൫൬൭ = Please call for quote.
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