Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Information distribution network and user Console

The efficient flow of information is vital, and absolutely central to the proper functioning of a vessel. If you are some elitist, spoiled, Richie-Rich type, you can have a screen or something as your interface, or even electrodes in your central nervous system to speed up the perception and incorporation of inputs and outputs. But for most people, a series of bells and whistles pretty much tells you all you need to know.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Di-Lithium Masticator fuel injection system

Ultra-modern and in really good condition. There are n-to-the-seventh-power different combinations of gear ratios to fine tune the torque and energy delivered to the actual masticators. We haven't tried yet, but probably such flexibility would come in super handy in the manufacture of recreational beverages...oh, never mind. Forget it.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

SchitzoBot Emoticon Grin / Grimace Droid

Like this it is a happy bucktoothed grinning grasshopper face. Joy prevails!
But uh-oh! Now it is making a grim goat grimace! Stand clear!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Pressure Wave Percussion Thumper - for war or peace.

In war time this vintage percussion thumper will send shockwaves of rippling energy and matter - even through a vacuum - that you can focus right on your enemy's hull. Also you can thump your foe's resolve, percuss their sense of what exactly they are trying to accomplish. In peace time you can rig it up to your deep space tofu manufacturing machines, to thump the loaves into shape.