Offering the Gamma Sector's highest quality legally obtained, sustainably produced parts and accesories for your space-rod. All for prices so low it is nothing short of CRAZY!!!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
Ary You Angry? Vote for Grom the Eviscerator!
Are you mad as hell? I am. I'm mad as hell! Not quite sure why, but I'm angry and I'm not going to take it any more. I'm tired of seeing my rights trampled. Which rights? Who the heck knows, but I hate seeing them trampled by tyrrany! I'm angry! I said I'm angry! Well we don't have to take it any more. Please join me in voting for Grom the Eviscerator (markXXIV) to represent Gamma sector district 12 in the galactic senate. Unlike organic life forms, Grom the Eviscerator knows how to cut taxes. Grom cuts well. He cuts VERY well. He is against government interference in our lives. He ain't into all them regulations, he just digs a damn trench wherever he feels like it. He doesn't think for himself, he is a ruthless, soulless automaton who pursues his vague, one dimensional agenda with dogged single minded determination. His valuable business experience will help him bring a folksy, common sense approach to running the government as if it were strip mine. Let's take back our rights by bowing down before Grom the mighty - before tyrrany gets totally out of control. Also, Grom may have dabbled with witchcraft in the past, and that business with the performance enhancing high octane substance abuse is all behind him.
-"I am Grom the Eviscerator Mark XXIV, and I approved this message. Grom cut. Grom strip mine. Grom eviscerate. Me Grom. Vote Grom, or DIE, carbon based scum."
Paid for by Aliens for Freedom and Morality.
-"I am Grom the Eviscerator Mark XXIV, and I approved this message. Grom cut. Grom strip mine. Grom eviscerate. Me Grom. Vote Grom, or DIE, carbon based scum."
Paid for by Aliens for Freedom and Morality.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Informational Channelling Conduit Tube to the Subconscious
The whole universe is made up of three components: Matter, energy, and information. Matter and energy are kind of boring if you ask me, the information is where it is at. Once you go in the tunnel that disconnects your sensory experience from the shackles of matter, all kinds of cool things happen. Ironically, you can also warp and manipulate matter through the clever utilization of information. For instance, the last time I re-channelled the master information flow, I descended below the surface of "normal" experience, and became someone else for a while. Dressed in the Denebian stockbroker's traditional garb complete with neck choker, I cruised along the sub-information tubes while reading the Daily Torpidgraph, and blended right in. When I resurfaced from the complex matrix of bent information - information split like a prism splits light into many colors - I was in fact in a totally new physical location, as if I had travelled physically through and under matter and the material world. And I was still in disguise. Informational manipulation makes almost anything possible. Usually the information is pre-set in our subconscious, you just need a tube to retrieve it and re-direct its flow. Warning: Some people find descending into the subconscious and the flowing information under the surface extremely unpleasant. Use Caution!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Groupon Sizzling Barometric Processing Chamber
This will compress the abstracted energy, information, and matter that emerges as a by-product of the irrational activities and violations of physical reality intrinsic in modern deep space navigation, which can be quite hazardous as they result in emissions of sizzling groupons. You must compress these abstractions according to Galactic Department of Hygeine code section 298w.01.75a, and keep a logbook of each compression.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
See no evil, hear no evil, blurg no evil: Genetic algorithm user interface
Programming an uber-computer to complete a specific task is SOOOO last millenium. You should let the computer evolve its own solution to your problem by selecting the ten least lame solutions out of ten thousand, then propagating each of those via random code recombinations and "mutations" until you get a good program. Meanwhile, you can be kicking back having a quark swirl on the rocks. The user interface for this process can be tricky, and we have found that if there are three cheeky robot faces that talk back at you, you can guage how the program is evolving based on how the robot head personalities develop. It is an abstract but entertaining interface.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Anterior Node Interlocking Transducer Weight-Loss System: m=e/c2
Basic laws of general relativity (or is it special relativilty? Hell if I can ever remember!) state that the faster you go, the greater your actual mass becomes. You get tanking up toward the speed of light, your butt is suddenly quite, quite large and heavy. And on the other side of the coin, if you are morbidly obese in the tradition of the Lard Lords of Polyunsaturatartaros 19, your thunder thighs might actually stretch the fabric of space/time to such an extent that everything around you starts happening at near the speed of light, which can be annoying if you are like trying to watch TV or something. Thus, all it takes is a fairly simple mathematical operation - I am no math whiz, but I dabble a bit - to realize that if you slow things way down, the mass of your ass will decrease. Presto, blow off that deadline at work and slow things waaaaay down, and you also lose weight, effortlessly. We should state also that as you approach the speed of light time slows down, so as you slooooooooowly plod through life and shed pounds, your local time zone will also sort of accelerate relative to everyone else, but that is just the price you pay for six pack abs - or 17 pack abs, depending on your species. It could even be a bonus, like if you need payday to hurry up and arrive, or if you just can't wait to open your presents on Supernova Day morning, this weight loss system could make the big day arrive sooner.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Friday, June 4, 2010
Cold Fusion Oxygen Harvesting Giant Robot
Let's face it, although cold fusion is sometimes criticized by foo-foo hippy types, we are all dependent on it as an energy source. Yes, I feel terrible and lose sleep at night that we are strip mining oxygen from low income planets and fusing the atoms together in an improbable but lucrative self sustaining perpetual energy generating cycle in blatant violation of the laws of thermodynamics, but on the other hand I like to go really fast in my gigantic spaceship! During the election last century, I was in the front row with the rest of the true believers, chanting: "Fuse, baby, fuse! Fuse, baby, fuse!"
However, in a totally unexpected and surprising turnaround, it turns out cold fusion on a wide scale can lead to some very bad things. When that giant tower robot went beserk and inhaled an entire solar system over in Pegasus 12, causing several emerging civilizations to implode upon themselves and degenerate into a quiverring, pulsating black hole shooting enormous gamma ray lasers out into space, we were all devastated. Who would have guessed something like that could happen?
The upside is that we are now selling some of the giant oxygen fusion robots on the cheap. We are pretty sure we have leveraged our extensive work in underprivledged robot philanthropy to fix the bug that sometimes leads to catastrophic planetary obliteration.
However, in a totally unexpected and surprising turnaround, it turns out cold fusion on a wide scale can lead to some very bad things. When that giant tower robot went beserk and inhaled an entire solar system over in Pegasus 12, causing several emerging civilizations to implode upon themselves and degenerate into a quiverring, pulsating black hole shooting enormous gamma ray lasers out into space, we were all devastated. Who would have guessed something like that could happen?
The upside is that we are now selling some of the giant oxygen fusion robots on the cheap. We are pretty sure we have leveraged our extensive work in underprivledged robot philanthropy to fix the bug that sometimes leads to catastrophic planetary obliteration.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Shield System - Positron ray and Gravitron ray Resistant!
We have personally field tested this shield material (by personally, we mean our office intern, Justin, has personally tested it...) and we (Justin) found it to be totally resistant to positron beams, 80% resistant to stray gravitron radiation, and slightly impervious to random neutrinos, but that's pretty good considering neutrinos go through lead like it is wet tissue paper. Which is good, because if you get a bunch of anti-matter hurtling at you it makes a pretty big explosion if it touches any of the electrons involved in your ship's hull or, god forbid, your family jewels!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Border Patrol Robot
This snarky little droid is a super efficient bureaucrat, and a determined immigration enforcement officer. Now I myself am an alien (Hello!? I have a squid for a head!) but I am still totally against illegal aliens, and so I keep a few border patrol droids orbiting my personal domicile. Here is the typical dialogue between my border patrol droids and the unfortunate person who happens to come too close to my perimeter:
droid: Intruder! Present your identification papers!
intruder: Huh? I'm just walking to the corner store to get a pint of quark swirl...
droid: Your papers are not in order! Prepare to be incarcerated and/or incinerated!
intruder: What? Get out of my face you little turd! I don't have to carry identification papers to walk down the street!
droid: Incorrect! Under new gamma sector regulations you must carry identification papers at all times if you look in any way suspicious or if Moppo happens to dislike you, and you fulfill both criteria! Incarcerate and / or incinerate!
intruder: What is this, the Phryxigian Gulag? This can't be....ZAP!
Get yours today, and save our sub-minimum wage galactic jobs.
P.S.: You might notice that a pint of quark swirl suddenly leaps 600% in price after the illegal intruders are no longer around to do the backbreaking labor of harvesting it from the Mega-beasts.
droid: Intruder! Present your identification papers!
intruder: Huh? I'm just walking to the corner store to get a pint of quark swirl...
droid: Your papers are not in order! Prepare to be incarcerated and/or incinerated!
intruder: What? Get out of my face you little turd! I don't have to carry identification papers to walk down the street!
droid: Incorrect! Under new gamma sector regulations you must carry identification papers at all times if you look in any way suspicious or if Moppo happens to dislike you, and you fulfill both criteria! Incarcerate and / or incinerate!
intruder: What is this, the Phryxigian Gulag? This can't be....ZAP!
Get yours today, and save our sub-minimum wage galactic jobs.
P.S.: You might notice that a pint of quark swirl suddenly leaps 600% in price after the illegal intruders are no longer around to do the backbreaking labor of harvesting it from the Mega-beasts.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Complex Adaptive Systems Counterbalance Manipulator
We've all been there - you are trying to do something, trying to go about your business and leave your mark on the universe, and as soon as you act, the universe starts to change. Bogus! It is like the universe is moving the goal posts. It can be if you are trying to go in a horizontal plane as you walk the plank of a pirate cruiser, and every step you take starts making the stupid plank bend downwards. Or just as bad, it can be that you place a massive short sell order of your own stock in the galactic stock exchange but suddenly once everyone notices that you are doing that, they too place sell orders, which screws up your whole scheme. Even the act of observing the location of an electron is enough to bounce the electron over into some annoying new quantum location (how many times has this inconvenient natural phenomenon messed up your milkshake mixing plans?) The point is that even the smallest thing you do can and does alter your environment and the universe as a whole. Every damn thing you do changes the playing field. Well help is on the way! We have a nifty little micro-balanced, self adjusting manipulator of complex systems that can dampen the adaptive learning power of things like swarms of duct harpies that move as if they were one superorganism. Or perhaps the fluctuation of sunspots, or the constantly fluctuating gravitational pull of rapidly moving meteors hurtling at different speeds and vectors in an asteroid field. Even - and we are not necessarily recommending this - the way dynamic way cops tend to position themselves behind certain moons and gas clouds where they know you'll be going fast. Whatever your needs, you can gain a significant edge over those pesky complex adaptive systems with this item. Have fun and fly safely!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Invincible Philosophy Processing Plant
There are only two certain things in this universe: Death and fruity cocktails with an umbrella in them. Also, that the galactic revenue service will come knocking on your door ready to take your hopes and process them into dilithium noodles via a complex process of loopholes and bureaucracy. You can put on as many crazy costumes as you want and rant and rave about how the galactic constitution actually says you should be able to do whatever the hell you want, but the galactic revenue service is unfortunately invincible. Therefore, you might as well have a fruity cocktail with an umbrella in it. But you can process your incoherent philosophies in as tasteful a manner possible. Rubbish goes in, and tasty frosty drinks with an umbrella in them come out.
If you would like to order this item, please refer to publication #256a, then look up your trousers size in our handy reference section, then divide your inseam length by 6,348 or the total from line 62, whichever is less. Then, add lines 101 through 621, and 625 through 724, and enter the result on page 17 line "W". Please note however if your birthday is in a month that starts with "Q" then go straight to section 8. If you qualify for a galactic stimulus exempted occupational hazard loan, fill in schedule X and erase what you just put on line W of section 17. Then switch page 17 with page 23 just for kicks, and add sales tax for your star system, plus ten galactic dinars shipping and handling, and factor in any crazy moppo coupons you clipped from our promotion in last month's edition of "Space Hot Rods" magazine.
If you would like to order this item, please refer to publication #256a, then look up your trousers size in our handy reference section, then divide your inseam length by 6,348 or the total from line 62, whichever is less. Then, add lines 101 through 621, and 625 through 724, and enter the result on page 17 line "W". Please note however if your birthday is in a month that starts with "Q" then go straight to section 8. If you qualify for a galactic stimulus exempted occupational hazard loan, fill in schedule X and erase what you just put on line W of section 17. Then switch page 17 with page 23 just for kicks, and add sales tax for your star system, plus ten galactic dinars shipping and handling, and factor in any crazy moppo coupons you clipped from our promotion in last month's edition of "Space Hot Rods" magazine.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Obsolete Extractor Gadget
Damn, we really had a good thing going for a while there. Unfortunately, this extractor is now nearly useless, following recent legislation. Previously, it was a gold mine, since upon installation in the medical department of a spacecraft, it allowed us to extract obscene amounts of money out of healthy passengers and crew members, and we didn't have to provide ANY goods or services in return! It was great. We extracted ever increasing amounts, and provided ever decreasing amounts of illusory services. If someone got ill, we just told them to go take a flying leap at a black hole and then we laughed all the way to the bank. An amusing side effect was the ironic pain and anxiety this supposedly medical device inflicted on people - it was kind of entertaining to watch, actually. But anyway, now this gadget is simply another antiquated victim of galactic socialism, and so we will sell it to you for a crazy, crazy low price. Our craziness is practically a pre-existing condition, and now we can even receive mental help, and all of you are going to suffer because of it, when we come to our senses and start raising prices. Just you wait, you'll be sorry. Life is so UNFAIR.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Annual Results: On track for recovery!
Dear Shareholders:
What a difference a year can make! Two years ago we were living large and lighting our cigarillos with 600 dinar notes. We were throwing cash around like nobody's business. We waged a kind of successful war of choice on duct harpies, management received authrization from the shareholders to raise the debt ceiling by 467%, and we sponsored many philanthropic community outreach programs such as "Operation New Ferrari for Moppo." And who can forget the lavish parties we threw with frozen argon ice sculptures of naked classical dieties that peed high end space grog? In the past, shareholders may have noticed large entries under research and development in our financial statements, largely the result of hiring the smartest minds in the galaxy to develop the perfect space-pina-colada.
However, that was then and this is now. Now, we have changed our free spending ways and we have adopted a spartan, sanctimonious attitude of fiscal responsibility and restraint. True, the company is currently in receivership and being organized by a nerdy little dork lawyer type geek from Canopus who has never had any fun in his life, but that is kind of beside the point. Now that he is TEMPORARILY running the company, we have found it convenient to pretend that we were the wise, penny pinching, long sighted ones all along. For example: Mr. Nazi Bean Counter Dork-o proposes upgrading and renovating our databases and information management systems, which currently consist of a shoebox full of cocktail napkins with ball point pen scribbles on the backs of them. Oh really, Mr. Beancounter? WHERE IS THE MONEY GOING TO COME FROM??? Do you think new databases just grow on trees? Good gracious. Until sanity returns, I refuse to drink another Rigelian Quark Swirl on the rocks. Nothing but tea will pass my lips.
Press on, comrades, keep the faith! We shall return to filthy profitiability soon!
What a difference a year can make! Two years ago we were living large and lighting our cigarillos with 600 dinar notes. We were throwing cash around like nobody's business. We waged a kind of successful war of choice on duct harpies, management received authrization from the shareholders to raise the debt ceiling by 467%, and we sponsored many philanthropic community outreach programs such as "Operation New Ferrari for Moppo." And who can forget the lavish parties we threw with frozen argon ice sculptures of naked classical dieties that peed high end space grog? In the past, shareholders may have noticed large entries under research and development in our financial statements, largely the result of hiring the smartest minds in the galaxy to develop the perfect space-pina-colada.
However, that was then and this is now. Now, we have changed our free spending ways and we have adopted a spartan, sanctimonious attitude of fiscal responsibility and restraint. True, the company is currently in receivership and being organized by a nerdy little dork lawyer type geek from Canopus who has never had any fun in his life, but that is kind of beside the point. Now that he is TEMPORARILY running the company, we have found it convenient to pretend that we were the wise, penny pinching, long sighted ones all along. For example: Mr. Nazi Bean Counter Dork-o proposes upgrading and renovating our databases and information management systems, which currently consist of a shoebox full of cocktail napkins with ball point pen scribbles on the backs of them. Oh really, Mr. Beancounter? WHERE IS THE MONEY GOING TO COME FROM??? Do you think new databases just grow on trees? Good gracious. Until sanity returns, I refuse to drink another Rigelian Quark Swirl on the rocks. Nothing but tea will pass my lips.
Press on, comrades, keep the faith! We shall return to filthy profitiability soon!
Clearance Sale! Dirt Cheap Accelerator Mechanism
Everything must go! Clearance sale! We are selling these accelerator pedals so cheap you won't believe it! Two for the price of one! We promise your craft will be much much faster once you install this component, so take your ride down to the racetrack and hold on tight!
Some people have been worrying about whether it is wise to have starship components so complex and involved and computerized that a stray speck of dust on the circuit board might make your cigarette lighter reach out and bite you on the derriere. I admit, I am the first to feel annoyed when I have to call a zit faced 15 year old to reprogram my window cranker circuit so I can roll the dod gam windows down. However, I don't think people should complain about going fast. Think about it: in a few highly publicized cases, a so called "defect" allowed a fairly wussy underpowered craft to achieve quite high velocities. They should be thankful!
Some people have been worrying about whether it is wise to have starship components so complex and involved and computerized that a stray speck of dust on the circuit board might make your cigarette lighter reach out and bite you on the derriere. I admit, I am the first to feel annoyed when I have to call a zit faced 15 year old to reprogram my window cranker circuit so I can roll the dod gam windows down. However, I don't think people should complain about going fast. Think about it: in a few highly publicized cases, a so called "defect" allowed a fairly wussy underpowered craft to achieve quite high velocities. They should be thankful!
Monday, February 22, 2010
Conceptual Engine
Just as we have eschewed the straight lines and right angles once dominant in engineering and construction for loops and whorls and fractal shapes, actual physical combustion or fission or even fusion now seem a little old fashioned. We now prefer the power of the imagination. Your imagination can take you anywhere, they told you in kindergarden, and it turns out they were right! This engine is super super powerful!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
A sign of intelligence: Teleprompter Circuit
Although speaking with a teleprompter is considered by some a worse sin than rambling on like an absolute empty headed ninny, we feel it is a vital part of a starship's communications systems. Think about it: you are cruising in to the outer orbit of Penumbra Colony Number 12, when the dreaded customs officers call you up on the video conference screen. Which would you rather do, say the correct information relayed by your teleprompter, or wing it with some folksy nonsensical and grammatically challenged, off topic rant that betrays your complete lack of understanding of import tariffs in particular and basic civics in general? Go with the teleprompter. And this is the best teleprompter available, although it has the price of a rather substandard shoddy model. You know, some people say the ability to hold two apparently contradictory ideas in their mind simultaneously is a sign of deep intelligence. If you are unable to reconcile the simultaneous alleged superior quality and evident inferiority of this model, it is possible that your are stupid. Even stupider than someone who scorns teleprompters and profoundly misunderstands the meaning of the word "socialism".
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Custom Craftsman Built Personal transport
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Beach Bummin' around the Engine Room: Argon Supercollider Vapor Exhaust Pipe
Whether your craft is a pleasure yacht, or a grimy deep space freighter, you should have a little fun on board. Thus our well known line of chilled beverage makers, and our endorsement of the general Beach Bum lifestyle. We're thinking of starting our own fashion line. Crank up some Rasalhagian Reggae and kick back, for you are cruisin'. But anyways. Here is the best Argon Supercollider Vapor Exhaust pipe on the market. Just because something is heavy industrial machinery does not mean it can't be FUN! For example, if you were so inclined you could utilize the rapid decompression of Argon neutrino effluvent to chill your beverages of choice (don't put the beverages any closer than 3 meters away from the manifold, or it will freeze so hard that it will actually increase in mass - like I don't mean just expanding the volume, I mean actual new matter and atoms will be drawn out of the void - that's what I call COLD). Likewise, during Argon suction and compression, excess radiative heat could conceivably be used to grill waffles? Have some fun with your ship, the glass is always half full at Crazy Moppo's.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Oleaceous Shadow Spiders from Mars
If kept far away from the subconscious minds of organic lifeforms on board your ship (where they can wreak havoc), these shadow spiders often keep the rudder post and the imaginary warp drive ball bearings well lubricated, just by skittering around on their own. Some astronomers experiment with using the fractal dimensions of the shadow spiders to chart complex deep space courses, but naturally not everybody is comfortable hurtling through an asteroid field at Mach 900 with only the self similar re-iterated patterns of some hideous oily ethereal arachnid to guide and comfort you, but the mathematicians are quite certain that this form of navigation is the most powerful and flexible available. Plus they keep shadow mosquitoes, parallel universe midges, and anti-matter flies down.
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