Whether your craft is a pleasure yacht, or a grimy deep space freighter, you should have a little fun on board. Thus our well known line of chilled beverage makers, and our endorsement of the general Beach Bum lifestyle. We're thinking of starting our own fashion line. Crank up some Rasalhagian Reggae and kick back, for you are cruisin'. But anyways. Here is the best Argon Supercollider Vapor Exhaust pipe on the market. Just because something is heavy industrial machinery does not mean it can't be FUN! For example, if you were so inclined you could utilize the rapid decompression of Argon neutrino effluvent to chill your beverages of choice (don't put the beverages any closer than 3 meters away from the manifold, or it will freeze so hard that it will actually increase in mass - like I don't mean just expanding the volume, I mean actual new matter and atoms will be drawn out of the void - that's what I call COLD). Likewise, during Argon suction and compression, excess radiative heat could conceivably be used to grill waffles? Have some fun with your ship, the glass is always half full at Crazy Moppo's.
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