Offering the Gamma Sector's highest quality legally obtained, sustainably produced parts and accesories for your space-rod. All for prices so low it is nothing short of CRAZY!!!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Ether-space Answering Machine

Garbage Disposal / Power Plant - No, Seriously!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Manifold Gasket

Saturday, November 22, 2008
Semi-Autonomous Free Ranging Macro Virus Multitasking Agent

The Wheels of Time
Another Seized Vehicle!!

SPECIAL! Deep Space Freighter!

Ultra-sonic Personal Grooming Station

long cruises. Instead of old fashioned physical solvent based cleansing, bathe yourself in the cool, gentle, sonic vibrations of this grooming device. Installs easily on any interior bulkhead of your craft with a proton welding robot or a phillips head screwdriver. Never smell like space carion again! Never again will you need to endure the Hoth hyper exema!
Item# PU-UR-r1p3: 16 Tattooine barter chips
Wormhole gateway interface

Sunday, November 16, 2008
Waste Treatment Plant / Minstrel's quarters

Item# പോപ് പ്രോസിസ്സ്ര്സ്൩൫൬൭ = Please call for quote.
Auxiliary Impulse Booster Engine

Item# य़ोक़्त्मो३782 = 400 Zubels plus VST (Value subtracted Tax).
Thursday, November 13, 2008
In floor mini-tractor beam beer*I mean beverage* holder

60 pan-galactic postal stamps, or best offer.
Confidentially, this item is being offered by a 'very motivated' seller. Might be something to do with space foreclosure if you catch our drift.
Extra memory for onboard computer

Organic Holodeck network matrix

This organic holodeck network matrix utilizes bio-manufacturing technology as well as psycho-network energy theory to both channel and utilize cosmic vibrations to maximum efficiency, and also allows you to go on virtual adventures through Victorian London (for example) to alleviate boredom on those long deep space cruises.
Item #A300004TY_?w: 17 Cassiopean Drachmas.
***Notice: This item is protected by legal patents in all major systems. If you do not have the authorized DNA registration key, the biological manufacturing process can turn on you. Trust us, don't buy pirated biomanufactured material! It can get ugly.
P.S. - YES! We sell on consignment! Very reasonable comissions. Serious vendors only.
Launching Pad
Something Old - Something New: Higgs Boson Hyperdrive Teleporter

Meet Our New Financing Department

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Gaussian distributed fractal modelled gas compactor

இட் இஸ் கிந்து ஒப் லிக்எ எ ப்ரயுஸ் ஓர் சம்திங்.
Six dimensional turbo booster

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
ஆடோமடேது (Automated & Insulated Cargo Racks)
Fusion generator distributor cap

Thingamajig with many uses
Quaint little Antique Radiofrequency Cavity

piece of "high tech" gear they are so proud of. Made of copper! Ha! How basic can you get?
Nevertheless, we were proud to supply them this antique ornament for their navel-gazing exercises. We gave them a CRAZY bargain of only 46 billion earth dollars (32 galactic dinars). After all, nobody else in the galaxy would have any use for this dinosaur. No need to tell them about how the previous Klingon owners treated this equipment.
Secure Home for your Space Monkey Friend