Get a jump on the competition. These state of the art trading robots wait until some sucker pushes the "buy" or "sell" button, then it goes back in time a few milliseconds, front runs the order, and pockets the difference. Not only is this totally legal, it is endorsed by the galactic financial regulators, presumably as a special favor to the high frequency time travel algorithm robot lobby.
"Open the pod bay doors Hal..."
[bear with us for a second here, just want to test a marketing technique: every time we use the words "weight loss" we generate 400% more interweb traffic. lets see if it works this time!]
"Open the pod bay doors Hal..."
[bear with us for a second here, just want to test a marketing technique: every time we use the words "weight loss" we generate 400% more interweb traffic. lets see if it works this time!]