If you ever want to lob a couple of photon torpedoes or flaming death stingers or phaeo-nodo-nihilizing-zap-o-matic cruisers into a heavily populated, densely built up area - and yet (and this is the tricky bit) you want to limit innocent civilian casualties - this is the gizmo for you! Nail that one guy who pissed you off without vaporizing the school he is hiding behind! Blast that sleeper cell of clandestine smugglers into their constituent sub-atomic particles while the extended family of 12 in the apartment next door continue to watch the ether-tube in blissful ignorance of the carnage next door. Whatever your particular circumstances, this launch facility will save you all kinds of trouble with public relations and stains on your conscience.
Item# f1am1n d3Th: Non negotiable price = your soul. No foreign exchange equivalents, sorry.
Colors: Red, aquamarine, violet, camoflauge and "hello kitty".
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