Are you mad as hell? I am. I'm mad as hell! Not quite sure why, but I'm angry and I'm not going to take it any more. I'm tired of seeing my rights trampled. Which rights? Who the heck knows, but I hate seeing them trampled by tyrrany! I'm angry! I said I'm angry! Well we don't have to take it any more. Please join me in voting for Grom the Eviscerator (markXXIV) to represent Gamma sector district 12 in the galactic senate. Unlike organic life forms, Grom the Eviscerator knows how to cut taxes. Grom cuts well. He cuts VERY well. He is against government interference in our lives. He ain't into all them regulations, he just digs a damn trench wherever he feels like it. He doesn't think for himself, he is a ruthless, soulless automaton who pursues his vague, one dimensional agenda with dogged single minded determination. His valuable business experience will help him bring a folksy, common sense approach to running the government as if it were strip mine. Let's take back our rights by bowing down before Grom the mighty - before tyrrany gets totally out of control. Also, Grom may have dabbled with witchcraft in the past, and that business with the performance enhancing high octane substance abuse is all behind him.
-"I am Grom the Eviscerator Mark XXIV, and I approved this message. Grom cut. Grom strip mine. Grom eviscerate. Me Grom. Vote Grom, or DIE, carbon based scum."
Paid for by Aliens for Freedom and Morality.