The whole universe is made up of three components: Matter, energy, and information. Matter and energy are kind of boring if you ask me, the information is where it is at. Once you go in the tunnel that disconnects your sensory experience from the shackles of matter, all kinds of cool things happen. Ironically, you can also warp and manipulate matter through the clever utilization of information. For instance, the last time I re-channelled the master information flow, I descended below the surface of "normal" experience, and became someone else for a while. Dressed in the Denebian stockbroker's traditional garb complete with neck choker, I cruised along the sub-information tubes while reading the Daily Torpidgraph, and blended right in. When I resurfaced from the complex matrix of bent information - information split like a prism splits light into many colors - I was in fact in a totally new physical location, as if I had travelled physically through and under matter and the material world. And I was still in disguise. Informational manipulation makes almost anything possible. Usually the information is pre-set in our subconscious, you just need a tube to retrieve it and re-direct its flow. Warning: Some people find descending into the subconscious and the flowing information under the surface extremely unpleasant. Use Caution!