Friday, July 31, 2009

Something Awesome

We still can't fathom what purpose this alien relic might have served, but you must admit, it is totally awesome. It can be yours for a mere 27 New Unit Tetra-fleebles. It must be useful for something, and if not, it kind of makes a chic industrial artistic installment.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Humorously Primitive, unnescessarily laborious force field generator

You may want to "go retro" and crank your own force field up, or you may just want an antique reminder about how much easier life is nowadays. Whatever your reason, this is the best option among all the unnecissarily laborious generators on the market. It is popular among neo-neo-neo luddites, anarchists, survivalists, fitness buffs, denizens of the outer reaches who modern technology has not yet reached, and those moved by religion to mortify the flesh. It's kind of decorative, and probably would make an adequate paperweight.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Mainline motherboard substation switchbox

The casing of this switchbox is TOTALLY radiation proof. Or it was at one time, anyway. The few small holes and cracks can be plugged with chewing gum and it should be good to go. Capable of 21 nanofliks per microsecond.